Friday, January 2, 2009, Bear, DE
The host information arrived today.
That was a reality check.
Luisa, you are really going on a world cruise.
On the Queen Victoria.
And you leave in a week.
And you still have a lot to do!
Formal clothes, passenger paperwork, name badges, deck party clothes, jewelry, shoes, toiletries, MP3 player, camera, exercise clothes, client paperwork, computer, medicine, semi-formal clothes, passport (!!) with necessary visas !!!!, elegant casual clothes, gifts...the piles around the house are numerous... did I mention that most of them are clothes??
An 105-day cruise takes a considerable lot of planning.
The past few days I have been wondering...
How many tubes of toothpaste do you need for 105 days for two people?
How many pairs of black shoes do you need for 22 balls and 11 formal nights?
How many times must I train on this new Blackberry 8830 to finally understand how to call from the ship and overseas for the minimum price of $1.99 per minute?
I know it will all come together. Family and friends have been helpful and supportive.
It is a new year and a new adventure and a great opportunity await.
I'm ready for it.
( Just let me step over this last pile of clothes to get to that suitcase...)