Panama Canal transit (Jan 18) and market place in Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala (Jan 21)
Wednesday, January 29, 2009 – at Sea on the way to Honolulu
I participated in the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA) class! We had to act as if we were as important as our selected number – anywhere between 2-9 with 9 being the “top dog”.
I met with new passengers for a few hours and had lunch with a friend in the Britannia Restaurant, the formal dining room. Even at lunch time, the waiters are formal and spiffy in their uniforms. Was a sunny bright day but chilly to be outside. Worked on files and just as I was headed to the gym, realized it was “formal night” so I returned to dress for another cocktail party with the Captain and the Black and White Ball…(such a life at sea!). Pianist entertainer, Elliot Finkel, from Brooklyn and computer work from the room before retiring for the night!