May 16, 2011 – It’s been harder to adjust to the real world after this voyage. I’m still unpacking…and in the midst of it all, I came across this poem placed at our dinner table on the last formal night.
“We’ve been together for so long, it’s so hard to say goodbye
Our dreams of travelling the world, fulfilled, our spirits high
We turn, now, to the hardest part, to say farewell to friends
So dear to us, like family now, saddened as this trip ends
So here’s to the great “Amsterdam”, we won’t forget its crew
Or Olav, Master of our ship, its officers, “true blue”
And most of all we’ll love our friends, although we must now part
You know, I know, that all of us are bonded in our heart.”
Time to reflect once again on how special a voyage it was.
I just looked up at a fire twinkling star and thought that a voyager whom I know, now many days’ sail from this coast, might possibly be looking up at the same star with me. – Henry David Thoreau