Tuesday, March 01, 2011 – at sea – 55th day – ½ way through the cruise!
Dolphins! Lunch with friends. Crocodile Dundee II afternoon movie! Exercised. Worked. Library time. Photo time. Talking time. Walked. !!! Assistant Cruise Director and two other friends joined our table of five for a nice dinner. Worked to reschedule the Ensemble cocktail party due to the port change. Tim Ellis, magician, and Paul Fredericks, singer.
“I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within.” – Lillian Smith
Wednesday, March 2, 2011 – at sea
Breakfast with friends. Galley/kitchen tour and found my favorite friend, the pastry chef/master of all marcipan! Worked on taxes. Tired. Computer class on making movies. Drinks in the Crowe’s Nest and then a fancy Pinnacle Grill dinner with friends. We were there for over 3.5 hours! Classical guitarist was the entertainer. Did not feel well after the wine and port and heavy meal .
Free wine since missed a port!
“How we tried, but not succeed through waves of effort, for facilities to mislead
Best intentions put aside, your safety is our main concern while all looked forward to Koror, it led us to adjourn
Knowing what you’d like, we’ve added now an overnight
Manila’s call will be extended, you’ll see our crew’s delight
As master of this vessel, I wish to do what’s proper so please enjoy the wine, with this evening’s supper.”
Thursday, March 3, 2011 – at sea
Cloudy and rainy day as we sailed through some of the 7700 islands of the Philippines. Silent art auction from the works of the students in the water color class; money goes to the Hospicio de San Jose in manila, the first social welfare agency in the Philippines. We raised over $1600! Exercised. Tai chi. Lunch with a former host who now sails every year on the world cruise so that shows how much she enjoys it! Tea in the Crowe’s Nest with friends. Chinese/Australian singing sensation Ms. Tamara Guo Royalty Ball; we met the newly crowned Baron of Cornflakes and the Duchess of Windex. We all had a real laugh when the gentleman who was crowned King was asked to sit on his throne. He was dressed in a Scottish kilt, which was above his knees when he was standing, so when he sat on the throne in center stage, the kilt became even shorter and he had to sit with his knees locked together. He finally took a piece of paper and held it over the knees! Do we really know what they wear under a kilt?? Nice dance music with the live orchestra and turned the clocks back an hour.
Friday, March 4, 2011 - Manila Philippines
Manila is the capital. It became the seat of the colonial government of Spain when it controlled the Philippines Islands for over 300 years, from 1565 to 1898. Beginning in 1898, the USA occupied and controlled the city until 1946. During WWII, much of the city was destroyed and it was not until 1975 that the metropolitan Manila region was enacted as an independent entity.
We were told to be up early for a temperature scan before we could leave the ship. Our time was set for 6:30 AM! But thankfully that never happened – they will do it as we exit the ship. But we were ready for the sail-in! It was fabulous!!! Two bands, dancers, baton twirlers, a HUGE tent (double wide, and half the length of the LONG pier) all set up for crew family members, shops and booths. And the sun was rising so it was not blazing hot!! Wonderful welcome. I’ve always wanted to come to Manila and what a great way to enter a country – with an excited bunch of 210 crew members getting to see their families and friends and bands and dancers! Our Filippino friends offered to drive us around the city so we were off! We’re off!
When we have an overnight port of call, they show a movie in the Queens Lounge – tonight it is “Inception”.