Friday, April 30, 2010 – In the Mediterranean Sea
Queen’s Day – Celebrating the official birthday of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands
Wear orange! The translation of the royal family is House of Orange.
Attended several “dollar” events – bean bag toss, croquet, golf, football toss…hard to describe these events but suffice it to say they are silly and fun and a great way to meet others and win money for a Holland America t-shirt or sweatshirt. I can only imagine the activities and games played on the trans-Atlantic voyages in the past.
Lunch with friends, Dutch formal tea at 3:00 – wonderful way to try their specialties and enjoy a few moments with friends, nap in the sun on the top deck… I have to admit that only in the last few days have I taken time to look out to sea and enjoy the moment. The cruise has been busy and fun and you think it will last forever…then you realize you will be home in two weeks making dinner!
Formal attire for dinner and then Katzenjammer played – 4 Hands/1 Piano. We saw them last year and enjoyed them so much I bought their DVD this year.
“The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are.” - Samuel Johnson
“Having fun is not a diversion from a successful life; it is the pathway to it.” - Martha Beck
Saturday, May 1, 2010 – At Sea on the way to Spain
Our first breakfast in the dining room (think we prefer room service), lunch with friends, bocce ball, bean bag toss, and making a paper airplane to see who can throw it the farthest and attended a Culinary Arts presentation of crepes suzette with Andrew Shoots.
Who else do you know who would boast of such activities at age 51?? But when you are with friends, it does not matter what you do.
Options for the day:
“God Squad”: We have a Priest, Chaplain and Rabbi onboard and there was an interfaith dialog.
Speaker: “Phoenicians: Merchant Explorers”
Guest Chef: Andrew Shoots –who will be starring on the TLC Series “Chocolate Wars” on May 12; he re-opened the Russian Tea Room in NY as the Executive Pastry Chef and created the E. Guittard brand of chocolates.
Jaz Danion, a French entertainer was a juggler and comedian.
“Pick the day. Enjoy it – to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come…The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present – and I don’t want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future.” - Audrey Hepburn