Gorgeous spring day in Florida! Bright sunshine. Mild temperatures (46 in the morning and then a high of 65) and a nice drive.
Had our Florida orange juice at the welcome rest area just over the state line and headed to Dad’s friend Ed’s home, a fellow WWII
Veteran from the 12th Armored Division – the Hellcats.
Ed is a creative decorator! He lives alone on a golf course and has his photos and cut out murals of popular U.S. scenes in frames and placed them around the house. He even has a wooden light post in his living room that lights up! He has framed a photo of his friends playing in a lake and hung curtains around it so it looks like a window! And his garage is meticulously organized with the collectible Hess trucks and miniature antique cars in glass containers with old postcards placed behind the cars, so the cars look as if they are in a street scene. One wall has his 12th Armored Division memorabilia from the regional meetings he attends.
When we left Hobe Sound, we merged into the Ft. Lauderdale traffic but were thankfully allowed in the HOV lane, and managed to find the Residence Inn in Plantation. Just in time for a dinner of BBQ chicken and bratwurst, wine and beer, potato salad and watermelon! And of course the popcorn! Did you know dinners are provided on certain nights at a Residence Inn??? (Photo of the lounge/dining area where we will also have breakfast.) I finished the night working on quotes and emails and packing….
1175 miles from my house to the hotel
Gene is coming! He is able to get away and was confirmed today. We will pick him up tomorrow morning and head to the Prinsendam. I’m excited about my Dad coming on the ship before he heads to the west coast to visit friends.