Our first port of call was Jeju (Cheju) Island, South Korea - the vacation island for Koreans. We were there from 8-2 and we again had to go through an inspection for your personal body temperature, customs inspection and an immigration control. Do we do this much in the USA when they enter our country?? They did reward us after the harassment by giving us a bottle of water and some orange chocolates. The oranges are grown locally.
It was a cloudy day but luckily no rain. We hired a taxi for a drive around the island and our first stop was at Tamna Mokseokwon, a private garden, to see the sculptures and lava tubes and the most interesting wooden formations. They had named each of them and they were incredible. I particularly liked the one entitled “Ambition” as it had a beautiful branch signifying a hand reaching upward. The stone figurines were taken from local cemeteries when the road had to be installed and had been placed at each side of a grave. They were approx 1-2 feet tall and were placed in an alcove which made them look like a little village of statues. Our own little Easter Island in Korea! They were really interesting.
Exchange rate 1USD=1250KRW
We continued on various country roads singing all kinds of songs with the driver! He had downloaded songs and he learned English while singing and listening to the English radio station. Very industrious man and fun - we had a nice time singing “My Way” and Debbie Boone’s “You Light Up My Life”.
There are 368 hills on the island. We were at the Sangumburi crater and there were many shops and instead of climbing to the top of the crater we climbed down the steps to the water. You could take a boat ride and see the women divers, the Haenyeo women of the sea, bring up the local squid, octopus, mussels and other fish. They use no breathing apparatus while they dive up to 60 feet deep -- using only goggles and a wetsuit. There was a girl modeling a beautiful bridal outfit at the top of the cliffs also. Mt. Hallla, at 7000 feet, is a now-extinct volcano that formed the island over five eruptions.
We drove back to Jeju City along the waterway and passed some beautiful beaches with wide sandy beach areas and nice resorts.
Jeju Island is a volcanic island 38 miles off the coast of the mainland.
The 2002 Football World Cup was played here. From 1392-1910 the island was used to house political exiles.
Today's Limericks: “I’ll remember those volcanic zones until old age crumbles my bones. And I will stop making tries to see an eclipse when Jeju runs out of stones.”
Niel Speirs
“First sunshine in days. Morning swim in sea water. Oh look! A sun day!”
Helen Hart and Jim Phillips
There are evening shows after dinner and there was a wonderful dance routine and then an “Instant Fashion” show. That was incredible to see how they dressed a model with only rectangular pieces of fabric No sewing was done; they just pinned the fabric on her and added accessories.
The lectures involved pursuing your passion and being enthusiastic about your choices, your life and the law of space. The Americans are not going to have astronauts in space after 2010 and this crowd finds that very alarming. The Russians are getting international customers to shell out $20 million for a ride in to space and this pays for their entire shuttle ride. The Chinese are working on the same programs and the Americans are eliminating their programs! It seems we are headed in the wrong direction.
Entertainment onboard the Costa Classica.
Shanghai Stars acrobats, instant fashion with material, two production numbers with beautiful costumes and choreography, Italian soprano Barbara Fiurino, Italian tenor Ugo Pagliotto, magic show, Balance and Force in Harmony acrobats, Afro-Arimba dancers and singer, Crew show and passenger talent show.