Sunday, February 15, 2009 – day at sea around Stewart Island, NZ and Masquerade Ball
Cloudy day; about 60 degrees
“Love doesn’t make the world go ’round. Love is what makes the voyage worthwhile.” Franklin P. Jones
Slept late and had breakfast in the dining room for the first time. Pancakes!! Read about the next ports of call and attended the digital camera discussion. Lunch with friends and discussed trips we have enjoyed! Then to the library to get the book for the Book Club – “East of the Sun” by Julia Gregson..
Cleaned up the room and listened to the lectures about Christchurch (we are always a day behind since we listen on the stateroom TV and not live in the theatre).
Was able to download the photos onto a disk and had some trouble doing that. After two visits to the onboard camera lab and computer office, they were resolved. They have at least one expert onboard for every need you may have! What a wonderful thing!!
Formal night and Masquerade Ball! All dressed up and we wore our masks and were awarded prizes! Everyone looked great!
Great piano and singing by Glenn Amer.